Method for Designing The Course

  • Traditional math course at colleges/universities

    • Non-integration of curriculum -- Way of placing course is :

      • specialized course
      • teacher training course
      • general education course
      • basic course

    • Weak to take the stance of :
        "making students understand soundly the application/usage"
        ("mathematics as tool")

    • "Story" lacks.
      • Therefore students cannot have a course, objectives, or a goal-vision, of studying mathematics.
        (In short, they cannot learn mathematics.)

    • These cause students to be at a disadvantage when it comes to making intelligent decisions toward real-life problems.

  • Because mathematics is, in nature, content-free, teachers must be especially careful about telling/showing clearly :

    • "where you reach finally"
    • "what it is for"
    • "what you are doing now"
    • "what you are to do next"

  • Our way of designing course -- "Mathematics as a set of practical tools"

    • Mathematics is not posed/taught with the appearance of "basic knowledge", "pure mathematics".

    • Each class is organized in the style of :
      • story-drawing
      • achievement-improving, and
      • problem-solving.

    • The learner becomes to understand the significance/value of each subject in experience of using tools properly in works.

Story-Mathematics Matrix

Stories Classes

  • Appropriateness of our way of designing course

    • The essence of mathematics-understanding is there.

    • In the style of "improving skills for using tools", the learner enters the stage of
      • deep understanding of mathematical contents and of
      • extending the domain of application.

      Thus the class is truly a mathematics class.

    • Difficulties

      • The story-drawing-style instruction must not be negligent of mathematics instruction.

      • In order to make the instruction to be "story-leading", it is required to introduce
        • "integration of different fields"
        • "spirally ascending the steps of course"

      • Teachers must develop themselves to proficiency in the sense that :
          they know/experience well the joy of discovering and forging connections within and among mathematics, science, the arts, and the humanities.

      • Cf. Yearbooks of NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, USA)

          How story-leading-instruction is difficult is implied from the fact that the tenor of arguments has been changing between problem-solving-oriented and basics-oriented, in about 20 years cycle.